Cedar Rapids, IA
Date: June 22-27, 2025
Location: Prairie High School
As our only workshop with Sunday and evening events, the Cedar Rapids workshop will be a “residential site, reimagined,” replacing the Wisconsin site of past years. In addition to the complimentary special events included in the schedule below, group dinner arrangements will be available for any interested participants for Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings (self-paid).
We are holding a block of rooms at the Hotel at Kirkwood Center at a significantly reduced rate. This amazing location with large, beautiful rooms, an outstanding lobby gathering space and bar, and onsite restaurant will serve as the ‘hub’ of this special venue. Request the World Music Drumming block — Call 319-848-8700. Room block released June 1st.
Workshop Schedule:
• Sunday evening reception, compliments of West Music, to be held at the Hotel at Kirkwood Center (across the street from Prairie High School).
• Monday-Tuesday, classes 8:30-5:00, evening events (Monday: Sowah Mensah / Tuesday: Josh Ryan). Wednesday, classes 8:30-5:00, complimentary evening BBQ at West Music Fulfillment Center. Thursday, classes 8:30-5:00, evening set-up and run-through.
• Friday, 8:30am start, 9:30 sharing, 12:30 pm end.
Courses offered in Cedar Rapids:
World Music Drumming Level 1
World Music Drumming Level 2
World Music Drumming Level 3
Scenes from the 2024 Cedar Rapids Workshop:
World Music Drumming - Level 1
Faculty: Paul Corbiere, Chad Craig; additional classes with Sowah Mensah and Josh Ryan
For teachers, counselors, community recreation leaders, church musicians, and players who would like to learn the basics of West African and Caribbean drumming, singing, and moving through the World Music Drumming Curriculum, written by Dr. Will Schmid. Participants will learn how to implement and apply the curriculum within a classroom and/or community setting. The Level 1 class assumes no prior experience with drumming and serves as an excellent introduction for including drumming within a sequentially based set of lessons and units. Level 1 can be repeated.
Workshop Text: World Music Drumming 20th Anniversary Teacher Edition. If purchasing from West Music, use PROMO code WMDCURR25 at check out.
World Music Drumming - Level 2
Faculty: Paul Corbiere, Chad Craig, Sowah Mensah, Josh Ryan
For those who have taken Level 1 and wish to deepen their application of the World Music Drumming Curriculum as well as improve musical skills and teaching effectiveness. Each day, Level 2 participants work with a variety of faculty, including Sowah Mensah -- Ghanaian drumming, singing, movement, Ghanaian flute, adenkum gourds, and gyil (xylophone), and/or Josh Ryan -- Cuban, Afro-Cuban, Ghanian drumming, songs, and dance, and WMD faculty -- guiding participants in enhanced experiences with the curriculum and additional materials from other sources. Many choose to repeat this course. Level 2 participants will use the 20th Anniversary Edition (2015), World Music Drumming Curriculum. If purchasing from West Music, use PROMO code WMDCURR25 at check-out. Participants in Level 2 will purchase a Ghanaian flute from Sowah the first day of the workshop.
World Music Drumming - Level 3
Faculty: Sowah Mensah, Josh Ryan
For those who have taken Levels 1 and 2. Course content includes drumming, singing, and dancing from Ghana (Ga, Akan, Ewe peoples), gyil xylophone ensembles from Northern Ghana, Ghanaian flute playing, adenkum gourds, and Cuban/Afro-Cuban drumming, singing. Level 3 is taught by Sowah Mensah and Josh Ryan. While not required, it is strongly recommended that participants experience both Josh Ryan and Sowah Mensah during Level 1 and/or Level 2. No text required; however, participants are encouraged to become familiar with publications available at http://www.sowahmensah.com/books/. All participants of Level 3 will need a Ghanaian flute (can be purchased on the first day of the workshop).
Submitting a purchase order or paying by check? Click on registration form, download the pdf, mail (or email) to the address indicated.
Want to purchase 3 Graduate Credits? Register here. Obtain details here.
BE SURE TO SELECT THE APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION PROFILE: Full-time student means high school or college student; Retired means currently retired; In-district means participating in a district that is hosting a workshop. The In-District discount works exclusively in the participant’s district; Other means all other participants. Note the savings by registering BEFORE May 20.
Prairie High School
401 76th Ave SW
Cedar Rapids, IA
Selecting payment: “Full-Time Student” = secondary level student, undergraduate or full-time graduate (year-round). “In District” = a staff member in the host district; “Retired Educators” = Must be officially retired by the start date of the workshop. “All Others” = select regular registration.