Atlanta, GA
Date: June 16-20, 2025
Location: Woodruff Arts Center / Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Classes offered in Atlanta:
World Music Drumming Level 1
Drumming Up the Fun
Workshop Schedule: 9:00-5:00pm Monday-Thursday; 9:00-@12:30pm Friday
The hosts have established a group rate at the Shane hotel, across the street from the Woodruff Arts Center.
World Music Drumming Level 1
Faculty: Hong Le
For teachers, counselors, community recreation leaders, church musicians, and players who would like to learn the basics of West African and Caribbean drumming, singing, and moving through the World Music Drumming Curriculum, written by Dr. Will Schmid. Participants will learn how to implement and apply the curriculum within a classroom and/or community setting. The Level 1 class assumes no prior experience with drumming and serves as an excellent introduction for including drumming within a sequentially based set of lessons and units. Level 1 can be repeated.
Workshop Text: World Music Drumming 20th Anniversary Teacher Edition. If purchasing from West Music, use PROMO code WMDCURR25 at check out.
Drumming Up the Fun
Faculty: Melissa Blum
This workshop is intended for early childhood and early elementary classroom and music educators, introducing modifications to the World Music Drumming curriculum. The workshop provides participants with ready-to-use drumming activities for preK-grade 2 and the skills and practice to create even more activities for your classroom. It explores a variety of World Music Drumming ensembles in their original versions, then modifies them for children ages 3-8 combining familiar songs and chants. Taught by Melissa Blum, this class also focuses on sound stories — a medium for introducing young children to playing techniques, improvisation skills, and respect for drums, world percussion, and other small percussion instruments. No text required.
Submitting a purchase order or paying by check? Click on registration form, download the pdf, mail (or email) to the address indicated on the form.
Want to purchase 3 Graduate Credits? Register here. Obtain details here.
BE SURE TO SELECT THE APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION PROFILE: Full-time student means high school or college student; Retired means currently retired; In-district means participating in a district that is hosting a workshop. The In-District discount works exclusively in the participant’s district; Other means all other participants. Note the savings by registering BEFORE May 20.
Woodruff Arts Center
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
1280 Peachtree St. NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
Selecting payment: “Full-Time Student” = secondary level student, undergraduate or full-time graduate (year-round). “In District” = a staff member in the host district; “Retired Educators” = Must be officially retired by the start date of the workshop. “All Others” = select regular registration.